My son and I kegged the Pale Ale last night and it tasted pretty darn good. He even took a sip and said "Not bad". I don't know if that's a good omen since he's only 11 years old! I'm still looking for a name for this one. Here are the beers that I've brewed so far:
- Charlie's Brown Ale - A mild brown ale that turned out to be not so good. I went and infected the batch by putting in unboiled well water in the carboy. But, just like old Charlie Brown, I'll keep brewing even if someone pulls the football out from in front of me!
- Tinimamawiezen - A German hefeweizen that the SWMBO requested. Turned out gooooooooood with an excellent clove and banana profile.
- No Name Pale Ale - Good so far. I've got to give it one week on the CO2 at 12 PSI to get it to carbonate. I'll try it this weekend to see if it's ready for guests. Thinking of giving it a name with "Cheap Bastard" worked in which is how I refer to myself almost every day.
Mark picked me up another 6.5 gallon carboy today at B3 in Concord so I can start brewing 10 gallon batches. Yippee! I'm thinking my first 10 gallons will be my favorite, an American IPA with lots of hop profile and quite bitter. This one will be for me and the hard core hopheads! Hopefully I can get a few folks over for the brew day. Kind of hard since everyone I know interested in brewing is at least 30 minutes away and you can't have a good brew day without a few brews!